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The following images were retrieved from a photo album from the Wilmington Public Library in Wilmington, Illinois.
Reference Book 977.303 PIC - Wilmington Public Library District - Barcode #3 6830 00043 7960
Donated to Wilmington Public Library District by Charles I. Rauworth.
If you have any additional information pertaining to the following photographs,
please feel free to contact us at the Coal City Public Library District.


Front row: Charlie Raworth, Shorty Smith,
? Panelloni, Johnson Davis?, Frank Riley
Standing: Vilas Booth, unknown, unknown, Sam Wharrie, Clyde Smith


Bert Helme, too clerk, worked in the offices.


(L-R): ? Rettenmeyer (head electrician), Vilas Booth.
Northern Illinois Coal, at the mine office.


Standing: unknown, Louis Balegno, unknown, "Spit" Panelloni, Joe Garr, unknown, Vi Booth, Shorty Smith, unknown, Barney Vercellotti, unknown
Sitting: unknown, Sam Wharrie, ? Panelloni

(L-R): Charlie Raworth, Matt Keward, Bert Helme

A "mucker" or coal loader

April 5, 1938
Photo Friend Film Co., Litchfield, IL

The gears under one of the crawling machines. These gears moved the "caterpillar" treads.

Inside one of the coal mining machines. The
drums which held the cables are seen.

Horses were used to haul the electrical cables around.

April 5, 1938
A walking drag line crossing a road.
Photo Friend Film Co., Litchfield, IL

April 5, 1938
Photo Friend Film Co., Litchfield, IL

April 5, 1938
Photo Friend Film Co., Litchfield, IL

April 5, 1938
Photo Friend Film Co., Litchfield, IL

Inside one of the mining machines. Notice the coal stove.
The machines were electrically run, not coal or diesel run.

A walking drag line